
What’s Wrong with the World is unavailable, but you can change that!

Taken as a whole, What’s Wrong with the World attempts to advance a conservative social view of twentieth century British affairs. Individually, these essays offer sage advice on political and cultural issues for today. This collection contains essays on feminism, education, imperialism, and more, and together amount to a pointed critique of the prevailing sociological method. The problems with...

idea was to create an invisible kingdom, without armies or prisons, but with complete freedom to condemn publicly all the kingdoms of the earth. Whether such a supreme church would have cured society we cannot affirm definitely; because the church never was a supreme church. We only know that in Egland at any rate the princes conquered the saints. What the world wanted we see before us; and some of us call it a failure. But we cannot call what the church wanted a failure, simply because the church
Pages 46–47